Työpaja on nyt täynnä! Halutessasi voit jättää lomakkeella yhteystietosi peruutusten varalta.
Valentina Kargan näyttelyn yhteydessä järjestetään englanninkielinen työpaja perjantaina 4.10. klo 13-16. Lisätiedot englanniksi alla.
Ennakkoilmoittautuminen lomakkeella tämän sivun alalaidassa!
An afternoon workshop in connection to Valentina Karga’s exhibition Banana Mummy will be organized on Fri 4.10, 13.00-16.00 at Photographic Gallery Hippolyte (Yrjönkatu 8-10 courtyard, Helsinki).
The workshop, facilitated by artist/curator Yvonne Billimore and artist Tessa Zettel together with artist/architect Valentina Karga, is aimed at artists, activist, curators and other practitioners who might be interested in the themes touched upon in the exhibition Banana Mummy. Through discussion and practical exercises – e.g. preparing food and eating together – we will explore the topics of the cycles of matter and energy as they connect to artistic practice. Participants are welcome share their own approaches and ideas or simply take part through listening to others.
The exhibition Banana Mummy presents artist and architect Valentina Karga’s long term artistic research on the circulation of energy and matter amid escalated ecological urgencies. It narrates a certain Western pathology and dream of immortality striving to differentiate from earthly cycles of matter and energy by escaping the limits of existence. As a starting point for this exhibition, Valentina Karga has chosen a banana, a presumably stock item of organic matter, and the myth that pyramidical form can preserve any living thing and thereby stop the process of decay. More Info: https://hippolyte.fi/en/nayttely/valentina-karga/ and www.valentinakarga.com
The language of the workshop is English, but translations to Finnish can be arranged where needed.
Pre-registration required. Please fill in the form below.
The workshop is now fully booked. If you are still interested, please leave your contact details in case on cancellations.