31.1.-23.2.2014, Noora Geagea, Watch Me

Yrjönkatu 8–10 (courtyard), 00120 Helsinki, Finland, +358 9 612 33 44, www.hippolyte.fi
Open: Tue–Fri 12–17, Sat–Sun 12–16

Watch me

Noora Geagea’s exhibition Watch Me in Hippolyte Studio is a part of a larger artistic whole, in which Geagea examines performativity with the means of moving image, painting and photography. Her idea is to take performing arts, captured with the camera, and bring them further after the photographic situation is finished. In the exhibition Watch Me, Geagea continues her collaboration with the dancer Natasha Lommi. Geagea has photographed Lommi’s dance, painted on the picture surface and finally photographed the painted images.

Born in Helsinki in 1981, Noora Geagea graduated in 2009 from LCF, University of the Arts London with an MA Photography degree. Her work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Helsinki and in London. Geagea’s latest dance film Match Me (2012) was invited to the Moving Image London art fair in October 2013.



Noora Geagea, Figure in White, 2014