Natalia Kopkina Studies and notes 30.10.–22.11.2020

Photographic Gallery Hippolyte

In Natalia Kopkina’s exhibition Studies and Notes, gelatin silver prints, texts, and artist books fill Hippolyte’s gallery space. Hand-printed photographs shot on film depict the classical subject of studies and sketches known from art history, such as studies of nudes, motions, and portraiture. In Kopkina’s typewritten notes on paper, thoughts are conveyed directly as they are. The exhibition is part of the artist’s broader manifesto project, begun in 2016, in which she examines the nature of contemporary photography and her life as a photographic artist. The viewer is offered the opportunity to immerse themselves in the artist’s observations and take a peek behind the scenes.

Natalia Kopkina is a photographic artist living and working in Helsinki. She is actively working with analogue photography and is one of the founding members of the Finnish Darkroom Association. In 2018, she founded the non-profit publishing house I am not Publishing to publish artist books and publications with an emphasis on photography. Kopkina graduated with an MFA from Aalto University’s Photographic Department in 2015.

The exhibition is kindly supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Finnish Art Society, Paulo foundation and the Greta and William Lehtinen Foundation.



Natalia Kopkina
Studies and Notes

Photographic Gallery Hippolyte
Open: Tue-Fri 12-17, Sat-Sun 12-16

image: Natalia Kopkina, Iron Tooth, 2020
exhibition images: Milla Talassalo