Board and Committees

The board for the Association of Photographic Artists was chosen in the General Meeting in April 2023.

Anna Niskanen, puheenjohtaja
Katri Naukkarinen, varapuheenjohtaja
Jari Arffman
Sami Funke
Mari Hokkanen
Juuli Kangasniemi
Katri Lassila
Juuso Noronkoski
Noora Sandgren

Exhibition Committee

Responsibility for the Association’s exhibition work lies with a Board-appointed committee, which can also invite in experts from outside the Association. For 2023-2024, the committee members are:

Mari Hokkanen
Juuli Kangasniemi
Noora Sandgren

Membership Committee
The Association’s Board approve new members based on recommendations from the Membership Committee. The Board also appoints the Membership Committee. In 2023-2024, the Committee comprises:

Katri Lassila
Katri Naukkarinen
Karl Henrik Edlund

The term served by members involved in the committee’s work is at most two years.

The Association’s working groups
Mari Hokkanen, Katri Lassie and Juuso Noronkoski will serve as members of the OTOS sales event and Art Fair Suomi working group in the 2023-2024 season, and the members of the Bookshop working group are Juuli Kangasniemi and Juuso Noronkoski. Jari Arffman, Sami Funke, Mari Hokkanen and Noora Sandgren work in the Mentoring programme working group. And in the Events working group the members are Juuli Kangasniemi, Anna Niskanen and Juuso Noronkoski.